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Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Odd Ball...

So this past Saturday I had the honor of being asked by Real Artways to come and do one of my paintings on a nude model for the Odd Ball runway show. They really had to bend my armto get me to agree to take on such a task, yeah right. So I asked the lovely and Talented fellow artist Carrie Swider if she would be willing to come and give me a hand. So we were paired up with our model Miss Nicole, and we got to work. About an hour and an half into it we were informed that the runway show had been moved up an hour earlier. So I called in the big guns, Heather Groenstein, to help us finish our model. Luckily Heather had already finished her own model, so with her help we were able to get Nicole done in the half hour so she could hit the runway. Now is the time when I dork out and give a shout out to a few peeps. I would like to thank the following: Carrie Swider for all her support and painting. Heather Groenstein for her last minute back-up. Nicole for being awesome model who never moved, and was awesome to work with. Steven Laschever for the photos, and finally Real Artways for asking me to participate. So here are all the photos I have so far, I'm hoping to get some of the painting on Nicole's back side. Please enjoy!

Later-Joe D.

Nicole and me.

The photo above is Carrie, Nicole, and I. And Below is Nicole and her good friend, who also happened to be a fellow Model

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