I decided to take a little mini vacation this past week and weekend. So I went all over the place on a zero to nothing budget. I hit New York City and Massachusetts.
On Thursday we hit New York City like a tornado. I checked out a shit load of galleries in Chelsea. While in Chelsea I went to the Joshua Liner Gallery which had a Jeremy Fish exhibit going on. I was fucking psyched seeing that I've only seen his stuff online or in Juxtapoz Magazine. Then I found out on September 6th Greg Simkins was haveing an Opening there...real fucking sweet! I plan on going.
paintings above from left too right Jeremy Fish, Greg Simkins
Then we hit the MOMA, which had a new Dali: Painting and Film exhibit that was only open to MOMA members. But I sweet-talked the girl maning the entrance into letting me and posse in for free. It was freaken worth it! I believe it opens to the General public next week. You should check it.
I was asked to do an illustration for the Hartford Advocate's 2008 Grand Band Slam, other wise known as GBS 2008. I had about 2 hours to cook something up, and here he is... The one the only Gearshaft Malloy. Former lead singer for the band "Jimmy Beats Wood". He was unfortunately killed last year while trying to use a blender to make a skittles and prune smoothy on stage while on tour. His wig got caught in the blender and yanked his face in. What a mess, but the pit kids loved it. So the band is looking for a new singer. R.I.P. Gearshaft.
So two weeks ago I was asked to come to the Hartford Public Library and join in on a panel discussion on "On-line Marketing for Artists". I wasn't aware before I got there that it was going to be filmed. But it was and here I am: mms://media.hplct.org/Public/OnlineMarketingForArtists.wmv Can you tell that I was nervous up at the podium. I think I did alright during the Q&A.
Well I decided to do something special for my 100th post on the Slug. That is why I haven't blogged in a while. So above is the multi medium Illustration I did for this glorious post. It is 5"x10.5" on 100lb Stathmore Bristol paper. I used Acrylic paint, Prismacolor pencils, Bic pen, and sharpie markers to pull this baby off. It's title is,"The Slug Verses the Worm in the Battle for the Pooping Grounds". I got the idea the other night when I brought my dog out to take a dump on the small patch of grass behind my building. Believe it or not, at night the ground is covered with 4" long leopard patterned slugs and Giant earth worms. One of the slugs had a gaping wound in its side and was trying to make a run for it while little white mites crawled in and out of its wound. There were some giant earth worms in close proximity, so I'm holding them responsible for the wound.
Anyways here is what to expect in the future on the Salty Slug; The final paintings for the Shy One at The orgy story. Updates on the Twinkies and Robots show that is coming up, and the paintings I'll be doing for that show. And of course more shit I find funny. So please keep reading my little Slugglings.
ghoul |gool| noun an evil spirit or phantom, esp. one supposed to rob graves and feed on dead bodies. • a person morbidly interested in death or disaster.
The Fairfield Weekly asked me to do a real quick illustration for a story tittled "The Tent Gents" which is coming out in the next issue. Deadlines are always insane in the world of newsprint...so I cranked this little bad boy out in about 20 minutes this morning and emailed it to them. I wish I had more time and that it could of been in color, but none the less it's always cool to get published. I believe the story and paper hits the stands this Thursday.
So my Buddy Jeff was telling me about how he helped to make a short video back in High School and how it was up on You Tube. He was nice enough to point me in the right direction. He's the guy who knocks on the door and then gets it right in the beginning. Real funny shit. He now focuses his talents more on design...check his work at eatyourguitar.org.